Hello world Tawn is talking again!

Welcome to ” Tawn Talks”, a blog for sharing all that is unfolding spiritually for Tawn and those that she knows and works with in the world at this time. The intent here is to share the ways that “Spirit” or “Source” shows up and expresses itself in our lives.

I will be sharing personal experiences, impressions of  recent radio show guests, stories from those I work with, and new input from my guides and angels, referred to by me as “My Team”. My hope is that the writing here will be interesting, challenging, thought provoking, and uplifting to all of us. Thank you for joining me in this next step of sharing with the world.

Please feel free to visit my website: www.TawnTalks.com and listen to the radio show: “Tawn Talks About Intuition” on www.SedonaTalkRadio.com. If you join the newsletter mailing list at the website you will recieve a link to a free MP3 called: “Calling in the Angels for Healing and Guidance”.

“Healing comes from our shift in energy and focus.”  Tawn



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